共為你找到:58筆window film 相關企業資訊
+< 心藝影像-HeArt Image Studio >+ 用心創造影像新藝術 由一群熱愛影像與設計工作的廣告人所創立, 多年來,我們不斷累積實力與經驗, 在各式影片、節目、廣告與商品攝影、整合設計領域, 目前已製作許多政府機關、企業與商家之簡介與各類專案執行。 我們重視團隊精神,更重視與客戶間的創意互動, 擁有豐富的商業影片經驗與多元的品牌思維, 除了提供您高品質的影像創作與各式整合設計外, 更希望成為您最佳的影像設計部門! +< 我們的服務項目 >+ 影片製作(網路廣告、店頭廣告、電視宣傳廣告) 企業簡介(工商簡介、上市上櫃、產品簡介) 紀錄片製作(婚禮紀錄、實況紀錄、活動錄影) 動畫製作(2D、3D) 棚內商業、商品攝影 各式整合設計 (DM、型錄、網拍廣告、海報) 有影像製作與整合的需求,請與我們聯繫, 您將感受到我們的專業與熱誠。 +< 我們的客戶群 >+ 中華電信MOD、亞洲旅遊台、台灣高鐵、3M台灣、工業技術研究院、 長庚技術學院、台灣國立海生館 、交通部觀光局、台北市觀光傳播局、 天下教育文化、桃園縣政府、財團法人台灣創意中心、墾丁國家公園、 美德糕餅鋪、圓豐塑膠、東引酒廠、豪紳纖維、豐田汽車...。
Yersh Enterprise Co., Ltd was established in 1975 and entered the window covering industry with the traditional wood curtain pole focusing on two major points:Quality finish and reasonable costing. We have Two offices in Taiwan (located in Taichung, and Taipei)and Two factorys in Taichung Taiwan and in Xiamen China. The sales amount in 2006 reached to USD$27,000,000/ year Our products are popular in U.S.A, Japan, Australia and Europe...., and also enjoy NO. 1 reputation in industry. 設立時間:1975年 追求目標:優良的品質、合理的價格 公司評價:傳統產業中的ODM設計,品質生產力均居領導地位 行銷網:U.S.A. JAPAN, AUSTRALIA及歐洲各國 年營業額:USD$20,000,000
1987 Cooperated the Gasket Injection fitting Mold with PARACON of Austria. 1988 Set up the CAD/CAM/CAE system for Design. Cooperated the Window Frame Extrusion Die with Acture of Austria. 1994 Implemented the 3D solid parameter CAD/CAM system PRO-E,I-DEAS. 1997 Promoted the mold and extrusive facilitis to the Market with a turn key service. Settled the Agent(Chau-Zur Technology co.,Ltd) with Sale Business. 2001 IC packing and testing parts and IC packaging mold were developed successfully. 2002 TFT-LCD’S LGP molds were developed successfully. 2003 Traverse Guide were developed successfully. 2004 Separate from Jan Chern Enterprise Co., LTD. Engaged in spin parts and extrusion/injection molds. 2005 In the first half year, rollers were developed which is used in LCD cell panel and polarizer. 2005 In the second half, developed vacuum pads and owned a number of patents. 2006 Improved some equipments such as tapeness facilities in the second half year. 2007 Into the manufacturing of screw and barrel and selling extruder machines. 2008 Imported the equipment of plastic crushing and reduction, as an agent of Zerma Machinery Recycling Technology (Germany). 2009 Imported the equipment of rubber tire crushing and reduction from Zerma.
Skytex Company is a specialist to supply textile machinery, material products.  Since 1988 ● M.D. MR WANG works for TAIWAN NEEDLE LOOM MACHINE Manufacturer. ( 1977-1988 ) ● SKYTEX was built in 1988 and started to sell  > NARROW FABRIC NEEDLE LOOM AND  > HOOK LOOP ( VELCRO) TAPE MAKING MACHINERY,AND PARTS AS, LENO HEALD, LANCET, NEEDLE ROLLER HOOK CUTTER. ● 1990, Start to design and produce  > CONTINOUS DYEING MACHINE for use of the NYLON BRA. STRAP dyeing And finishing.  > HANK SPRAY DYEING MACHINE for STRAP, ROPE dyeing ● 1991, Start to dealing and export  > LACE BAND CROCHET KNITTING MACHINE  > FANCY YARN CROCHET KNITTING MACHINE  > FULLY AUTO SHOELACE TIPPING MACHINE   TIPPING FILM ● 1992, Start to design and produce  > DIRECT WARPING MACHINE for high quality tapes  making field. ● 1997, Start to design and produce  > HIGH SPEED BRAID KNITTING MACHINE ● 2000, Special design and produce for buyer  > SAFETY BELT CONTINUOUS DYEING MACHINE for car industry.  Production capacity: 30 meters x 4 tapes (120 meters/min)  > SAFETY BELT WINDING MACHINE ● 2004, Special design and produce for buyer  > FABRIC STEAM DRYER ( 4 cylinder ).  > FABRIC BATCH WINDING MACHINE ( 900mmD x  1750mmL) ● 2004, Modified design and produce  > HIGH SPEED BRAID KNITTING MACHINE ,for heavy  elastic braid.  > RUBBER THREAD WARPING MACHINE, for bare or  covered rubber We can supply the newest technology and systematic plan, including the design of PRODUCTION LINE, RAW MATERIAL, MACHINERY MANUFACTURING, INSTALLATION, TEST RUNNING and KNOW-HOW. SKYTEX COMPANY can offer our best service for you sincerely and we are glad to be your a good partner.
電腦資訊軟體開發 包括網路服務, 資料庫, 嵌入式軟體 Linux/Android/Java, Window/VC, Flash/Actionscript, DB/SQL
TomLong was established in 2004, first as a trading company. The company was primarily involved in the buy-and-sell of TPU resin, film, coated fabrics and TPU-related finished products. With our extensive knowledge in TPU manufacturing and application, we also provided consultation to new TPU users. Due to the high demand of TPU-coated fabrics and a lack of qualified laminators in Taiwan and the rest of Asia, TomLong put together a group of experienced engineers and constructed the new laminating factory in 2005 in order to concentrate full-time in TPU lamination. Although the company hasn’t long history, the members of the engineering team have been engaged in the TPU/PU coating laminating production for more then fifteen years. Some core members came from Na Ya Plastic, the largest plastic company in Taiwan; others came from Coating Chemical, a well-known TPU resin and PU base-adhesive manufacturer. Due to the rich integration of our previous experience, TomLong is able to specialize in waterproof / breathable coating and TPU film lamination. Thanks to our array of diverse, high-quality products, we have been successful in the outdoors, medical, marine and many other industries.
三普龍光電致力綠色節能照明,提供符合人類生活便利舒適的光源環境,以最尖端微結構光學技術,提供消費者多種高能源效率與無強光害(眩光)的LED燈具解決方案,主力產品─FD Film應用於日常生活中之攜帶式光源、桌燈、嵌燈(筒燈)與各式各樣之LED室內燈具與商用照明,以幫助每位客戶建立無汞、無毒、無光害之潔淨生活與綠色照明。
INFINE is independent communication group, with activities in the field of corporate PR, stage performances, exhibitions and festivals, advertising, publishing and education promotion. Since 2005 INFINE has handled projects for organizations such Taipei city Government, National Palace Museum, Council of Cultural Affairs, National Theater and foreign representative offices. INFINE organizes the annual Taiwan European Film Festival (TEFF) and promotes international channel TV5MONDE. INFINE also a part of the team for TAIPEI INTERNATIONAL FLORA EXPOSITION 2010.
中藝國際影視股份有限公司隸屬於台灣上市公司「中環股份有限公司」,是國內首屈一指的獨立片商,自1997年成立以來已向許多全球知名的片商引進無數影片,包括Focus Features, Miramax, I.S. Film, New Line, Lions Gate ... 等。行銷與業務方面與去年暑假發行創下驚人票房的「明天過後」一片的美商二十世紀福斯影片公司合作,迄今已締造不少傲人佳績,包括「蝴蝶效應」、「惡靈古堡2」和觀眾們所熟知的「魔戒」系列電影,以及於奧斯卡金像獎和金球獎大放異彩的「登峰造擊」、「神鬼玩家」和「斷背山」等,顯示中藝不但著眼於娛樂大眾的商業作品,同時也致力於教化人心的藝術成就。 對於華語片的發行,中藝也極具企圖心,眾所矚目的「十面埋伏」破天荒在故宮博物院舉辦首映,炒熱國內觀眾對華語片的興趣,吳宇森大導的鉅作「赤壁」的首映活動更移師新店碧潭。 目前中藝與台灣知名電影發行公司威視電影合作,旗下所代理之影片,交由威視電影發行與宣傳。
本公司為Touch Panel相關產品代理商, 代理項目 : Protection Film TDT Frame Tape Cover Glass OCA Functional Film Film Sensor ACF Frame Tape TP Module
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